Dump Gun with front connection

1000 Bar

Product description

1000 Bar (15K) Hand-Held Dump Style Control Guns 3/8" Barrel (P/N 60-010-052.1) or ½”Barrel (P/N 60-010-051.1) with front connection

These guns are the new standard and are built tough for the demands of todays contracting environment.

These control guns incorporate many superior features that are in demand today.

They are light weight and are easy to overhaul in the field using a cartridge which is interchangeable with Jetstream guns of the same pressure rating.

The shoulder stock and handgrip are both adjustable and the trigger has a safety lock to prevent accidental discharge.

Front barrels are 40" long (front of the handle till end of nozzle holder)and can be ordered in 3/8" or 1/2" pipe sizes in different lengths. ( minimum length Europe = 30” (± 750 mm.)

Max. flow at 1000 bar : 120 ltr./min.

Easy - Change Cartridge Assembly Part Number: 60-010-020 (same as 15K Footgun).
